Kiritsis & Associates
Kiritsis & Associates
Law Offices of John Kiritsis & Associates
212 922 0005
Converting a limited liability company (LLC) into a corporation typically involves a process called "reincorporation." This process involves the preparation of articles of incorporation and the filing of these articles with the appropriate state government agency. Additionally, the owners of the LLC must adopt corporate bylaws and transfer ownership interests from the LLC to the new corporation. The new corporation must also obtain a new Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and comply with any other requirements for corporations in the state where it is formed. It is advisable to consult with a legal or tax professional to ensure a smooth and compliant conversion process.
New York Business Corporation Law
New York Limited Liability Company
New York General Obligations Law
NYS Office of Professions
U.S. Constitution
Whether you are a new business startup or a well-established company, our law firm can help you with all of your business law legal needs. For a free consultation, you can call us at 212 922 0005.
Law Offices of Kiritsis & Associates
Phone # 212 922 0005
Manhattan Office (Main Office):
633 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Suite 1306
Brooklyn Office (By Appointment Only):
1023 74th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11228
1st Floor
New Jersey Office:
7309 Ventnor Avenue
Ventnor, NJ 08406
2nd Floor
We hope you would find this website useful with regards to finding potentially relevant information for your legal issue. The Law Offices of Kiritsis & Associates PLLC is a boutique law firm headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, with offices in Manhattan, Brooklyn (NY) and New Jersey. We strive to provide professional legal services for individuals and various business entities. Our clientele ranges from including aspiring entrepreneurs, start-ups to established business organizations.
We offer flat fee prices for many of the practice areas provided listed throughout our website. For more information on the topic -- you may be interested, or simply to find out how our law firm can help, you may click at any of our site's links.
We are available for existing and potentially new clients 7 days a week -- via online, phone and/or in person.
Phone# 212-922-0005
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